Internal Medicine

About Singapore Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital

Internal Medicine takes referral from your family veterinarian for cases that require in-depth diagnostic workups, advanced procedures or treatments. A primary veterinarian may refer cases that are puzzling diagnostic challenges, or with patients that have multiple conditions or serious long-term illnesses.

We investigate, diagnose and treat conditions of the “internal systems”. These issues include digestive, pancreatic and hepatic, respiratory, urinary and renal, immune-mediated, hematological, infectious and endocrine diseases.

Procedures performed at VES Hospital include

  • Endoscopic evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract (oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum)
  • Endoscopic evaluation of the respiratory tract including transtracheal wash, broncho-alveolar lavage and rigid rhinoscopy
  • Endoscopic evaluation of the genito-urinary tract
  • Non-invasive endoscopic foreign body retrieval
  • Placement of short and long term feeding tubes including per-endoscopic gastrotomy tube
  • Joint taps
  • Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy
  • Stents placement in association with the Surgery department

On-site Diagnostic Imaging to provide advanced diagnostics including

  • Ultrasound examinations
  • Fluoroscopic studies
  • Computed Tomography (CT Scan) examinations
  • Specialized contrast studies
  • Access to MRI scan


Should a surgical procedure or treatment be required, the Internal Medicine will consult with our Surgery specialist and offer the most comprehensible therapeutic approach. We benefit from the on-site dedicated hospital team, allowing 24/7 monitoring and treatment of our hospitalized patients.

The goal of VES Hospital is to provide the highest level of medical care for dogs and cats in conjunction with consistent and effective communication with both the pet owners and the referring veterinarian.

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